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Commercial Pest Control Sydney

Commercial Pest Control plays a crucial role in enabling essential businesses and organisations to provide safe products and services and to prevent disease outbreaks.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, restrictions have obviously been placed on some businesses considered non-essential , with many of them closing their doors until conditions allow them to reopen again.

However, there is a group that's decided to stay active even while we're not: pests.

Particularly mice, rodents, spiders and cockroaches have used the vacancy to their advantage, and have not only grown in numbers but also attacked our defenseless businesses.

And it's not just food businesses that are at risks; restaurants, cafes, offices, hotels, retail shops... and the list goes on.

You might be thinking "Oh!! It'll be fine. I'm sure it can wait until after all of this is over."

Let me tell you, it won't necessarily be fine.

The importance of pest control for your business.

Pests don't stop because your business does. In fact, with no one there to scare them off and keep the place clean and tidy, they've entitled themselves to free rein in your absence.

The electric wire is at risk.

Every business uses electric wires; and rodents, rats and mice seem to love chewing on them. if left on their own , these pests could at minimum cut some important and pricey cords, and at maximum set your entire business on fire.

Who wants to deal with that???

Yes!! Pests can spread diseases, germs and viruses!!!!

Pests are able to transmit a number of diseases such as nile virus,lyme disease, salmonellosis , hantavirus , encephalitis and more.

Are they a danger in the current covid-19 pandemic?

The Australian Environmental pest managers association have stated that: "Since we know that pests such as rodents and cockroaches do transport various viral diseases and, given the persistence of the SARS-COV-2 on surfaces, it is prudent that we maintain vigilance and ensure premises are routinely protected from infestations by insect and rodent pests."

Let's take care of the problem.

Now that you know about the risks of giving these pests the freedom during Covid-19, you'll want to start taking care of the problem. at Safe Spray Pest Control we offer the best service, termite , bed bugs, spiders, ants, cockroaches, birds, ticks, rodents and more; we have it under control. schedule your appointment with us today.

Trusted, local, national experts, safe and effective.

Let us give you a hand we're all in this together.

Request a quote Don't risk your valueable assets, prevent pest problems now by requesting a quote.