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Awards & Certifications Awards & Certifications Awards & Certifications
Awards & Certifications

"Safe Spray Pest Control deliver the highest level of quality, service and assurance. Our many accreditations, awards and long-standing reputation as Australia's preferred commercial and residential pest control partner are testimony to our dedication, exceeding expectation in every aspect of our work..."

Safe Spray Management

Case Studies


CM3 Contractor Safety Management

The CM3 Contractor Safety Management accreditation is given to businesses that have complied with contractor safety standards and best practices.

The accreditation is administered by CM3, which is a risk management solutions company. CM3 aims to reduce the cost and risks, while increasing transparency, when it comes to contractor safety. Compliance with the CM3 credo in risk management and safety means that a business’ administration, work processes and other related factors consider contractor safety. It means that people can come to work with this business, ensured that their safety is valued.

CM3 contractor safety management accreditation adds to your assurance that the services you contract employs the highest work safety standards.

Safe Spray is a proud CM3 Contractor Safety Management -accredited business. Our pest control processes and strategies employ strict worker and client safety standards. Our methodologies work in ridding your home of pests, while keeping you and your family and pets safe. You can also rest assured that the men and women who work on your location are also safe from health hazards and other risks.

To know more about our CM3 Contractor Safety Management accreditation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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